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Rest After Surgery

Writer's picture: Tiffany JayeTiffany Jaye

Updated: Dec 4, 2020

Saving this article as a #resource. I'm an extremely ANALYTICAL person. I'm fascinated with the who, what, when, where and how of things.

So going into the surgery I binged/researched like crazy on articles... personal account videos.

Now I'm on a quest to understanding the reasons for proper rest. I often struggle with why I should rest. This article helps spell things out for me.


Hello everyone!!! Happy Thanksgiving! I'm up...and ready for the day. - Recovery Update: I am doing much better.. this is the beginning of week 3 for me. I've come a long way.

I stretch at night to work on my elasticity... I've lost 3lbs since the surgery...(fibroids were a total of 1.6lbs and then I just lost an additional bit of weight from eating better) = 125lbs.

I doing some mini exercises but my core is still stiff and sore to the touch. I've peeled off the surgical glue like day 10 (picking scabs are fun lol - it wasn't like a scab just more so the glue and dried up blood from the day of).

So now my goal is to build my endurance back. I had errands on yesterday that equaled about 6hrs and it wore me out.

I'm pumped for mental, physical, emotional and spiritual well-being. Reading Obama: A Promised Land... Male vs Man is on deck... and exploring things I usually don't get a chance to explore.


Who Am I? Tiffany Jaye - Singer / Songwriter / Dancer / Artist

Follow me on Social Media @tjayetaylor

Check out my PODCAST - 10mins with Tiffany Jaye

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