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Renewing My Mind

Writer's picture: Tiffany JayeTiffany Jaye

The face of someone (in the background) who hasn't got much sleep lol, but I'm still here. Present. Pacing but pushing myself. Accomplishing goals and setting standards for myself I never thought I would get. The mastery of time management is an everyday delight to juggle.

A tired Mama
A tired Mama

Time is no longer a thing you can just waste or use up carelessly. Each moment is precious and every moment must be spent with intention. In addition every interaction I have away from my daughter I'm cognizant about the energy that's transferred and how it effects me. One of my favorite scriptures in the Bible talks about the Fruit of the Spirit in Galatians 5: 22-23. I have recently learned that you must have all of the attributes in order for them to equal the FRUIT of the Spirit. If you're missing one then you're not operating fully in that, your disposition is off. It can be hard to balance your emotions, your tasks of the day as well as the goals you aspire for the future. The "now" can overwhelm and when working in a service career people can pull on you in ways that leave you drained by the end of the day. Keeping a cup more than half full becomes a chore like the other things on your list and if you're not careful that too can be overlooked.

Toddler sleeping
6a crash before daycare and my workday

There are so many things that I have done in my life [credentials] and there are so many things I still want to accomplish. What I'm often told now is my most precious/amazing accomplishment is bringing life into the world, and I agree. This is something other worldly, to partake into the creation process with God. Women, truly have a special ability. I've always dreamed of being a mom, but it was like a thought as if it was too high of an expectation and most likely would never come true. Here I am, this is me, a mother of a sweet Soñai Skye Vie. A dream from heaven that came to life. Everything that I have gone to God about during my pregnancy and after has been answered. I've been covered throughout the entire process and I know we both will be blessed.

behind the scenes in a dressing room
BTS: A Night of Artistic Renewal

On this day 5.22.24 we were up extremely early. I was editing pictures for a client around 430a. Then by 6a she crashed again. She just collapsed on top of her unicorn given by her God-Grandmother. I struggle some days with our nighttime routine and my list of extracurricular activities I want to do. As she grows I adjust every couple of months to a new phase. Crazy how you nail down one regiment then have to switch it up and adopt another. Nothing ever stays the same. It's cool though. This is exactly what I needed to smooth out the rough edges in my armor.

I have the capacity, now in life, to retain more and apply. It's like something clicked in my brain to open up a new hard drive of folders. Perhaps motherhood helps mold your brain as you're thinking for 2 now. Being highly effective, though, comes only when my time management is together, and I've planned out adequate rest to recharge. Each day I'm counting my wins! My challenges become opportunities to evolve for the better. I've been feeling pretty good lately.

No excuses. You can justify anything in your mind creating a gray area. If you give yourself that "out" it can avalanche out of control. Owning up to my shortcomings, planning a better workflow and pushing myself to execute such are my daily goals. If I miss a mark I take that time to be mindful and reflect. Tightening up and eliminating negative self talk. I create smaller realistic missions so when I complete them they add to my emotional love tank. The tank that I self regulate and validate with Christ principles.

music single photoshoot
New Single - Callin Me - Photoshoot

What is your definition of contentment? How do you find peace? I challenge myself to look within daily so I'm not relying on external gratification to validate.

I could collapse under the pressure of responsibility or I can rise to the occasion, overcoming the illusion of my fears. All my apprehensions of the future morph into opportunities. "The world is your oyster" they say, and it's true.

Take care of yourself. Your mind, how you speak to yourself. Your surroundings, who you allow in your space. Your body, what you eat, watch and the activities you partake in. Be ever mindful.

Continue to do a self audit. Be honest with the results of your evaluation. Plan to execute the changes needed to upgrade unapologetically.

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