"You can only dream what you can imagine, however sometimes your imgination is limited by the confines of your world." - Trevor Noah
It always amazes me, the spaces I end up in: 1 million dollar house, hosting an event in a prominent museum in the city, or performing a private show for an A&R Rep at a prestigious Major Label. Seeing is believing and because of this I am able to plan using my imagination.
Now to professionalism.
I have learned this past month how important it is to remain professional at all times. Not allowing an ounce of exhaustion or fatigue to get in the way. Sometimes I notice I tend to slack after I've exerted 100% or more. That last 30mins of the day may not be as productive as the 1st or I may rush to hurry and complete a task vs take a timeout and simply reconvene at a more appropriate time. That being said once I've had a break or fully regained my strength mentally and physically. In my 9 to 5 I meet deadlines every second of the day. With that amount of pressure things can get overwhelming. On a good day I've mastered the art of pacing and finish strong. On those trying days where my patience is tested, it's all the more harder to keep a smile on my face but that's my goal. A consistent countenance of peace.
In addition I want a gracefulness that rises above all foolishness and negativity. Age aint nothing but a number but there's something about women over 35... then women over 40. They possess a seemingly flawless level of beauty from within due to their confidence. Confidence that experience rewards. It is that essence I strive to acquire on a daily basis. With each interaction I track how well I'm doing and evaluate the levels I'm putting out and adjust accordingly. This thought or oath to self to remain professional at all times arose because I had to choose to take the easy route while operating in my craft, due to fatigue and burnout and it eventually backfired exponentially. One can never anticipate the snowball effect but once it starts there's no stopping.
Now I'm taking moments in between moments to be still, think and regroup mentally so that I don't crash all at once and slack as a result of it. My level of professionalism is what speaks/leads before me. I must protect it at all costs.
Today I had anxiety about meeting a customer where the current business dealings arent peachy keen. I kept my cool the entire day but internally my mind was freaking out, checking the entryway to see if the next customer would be "the" customer. What eventually unfolded was an outpouring of love from 2 customers I've met for the first time and returning customers who praised my skills. Deep down it was the encouragement I needed to boost my confidence to do a follow up phonemail with "the" customer I have to eventually face.

Whether it ends well or not I believe God specifically sent those individuals my way. All had assignments with me that day and I did what I always do, assist with a smile. They poured unwavering care and positive affirmations:
you're an angel
you're a blessing
you're my best friend for the day
you do such good work
Perhaps God was trying to reassure my after all... that the truth will still firm. I am excellent at what I do and just remember my limits so that I can pace properly and stay ahead. Smile more on purpose, be transparent for it demonstrates strength and trustworthiness. In closing remain professional at all times.
Who Am I? Tiffany Jaye - Singer / Songwriter / Dancer / Artist
Follow me on Social Media @tjayetaylor
Check out my PODCAST - 10mins with Tiffany Jaye
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