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Our Third Month Together

This past Saturday, July 15th, Soñai turned 3 months old. To think that we've come this far is amazing. Soñai has endured her first set of shots, many trips to the doctor with Mommy and fun times tagging along with Gaga. She's getting the hang of lifting her head and starting to talk. One of my favorite things to do is watch her wake up. It's the cutest thing, seeing her squirm and stretch coming back to life to say "hey" to the world she's still getting to know.

April 23, 2023

Soñai was born as a premie 33 weeks 3 days, 4lbs 3oz. I remember what that felt like. So tiny and delicate. She graduated the NICU just over 5lbs in 17days. I know babies are supposed to grow but it baffles me each week when she gets heavier and heavier. She's now a solid 10lbs!! I cannot imagine carrying her on the inside or pushing her out as some women do. Whew. I'm glad she's here and healthy. Our journey wasn't easy but it definitely is a testament to our strength within:

Cesarean Section Operative Note (small excerpt)

"Enlarged uterus with multitude of fibroids-comprising almost entirety of lower uterine segment. Uterine cavity was also extremely distorted with irregular shape and innumerable fibroids palpated within. Thick adhesions of anterior abdominal wall to mid uterus. Dense adhesions and filmy adhesions of bladder to lower uterine segment.

July 15, 2023

Clear amniotic fluid was noted. The infant's right foot was then delivered through the hysterotomy. The left foot was noted be abutting the fetal head. The left leg was bent, and the foot was delivered through the hysterotomy. The neonatal body was delivered, and the baby had a right nuchal arm which was reduced and delivered. The remainder of the infant was easily delivered using breech maneuvers The baby had decreased tone and gave a small cry on the field. Nasopharyngeal suction was performed and the cord was doubly clamped and cut. The infant was then handed to the awaiting NICU nurses and taken to the warmer bed."

So as you can see baby girl was scrunched in there with my many fibroids. "The patient was counseled that it was unclear if delivery would relieve her symptoms, however, in the absence of other cause would proceed toward delivery in order to hopefully maintain integrity of her limbs."

As you can see it's been a journey where the road to healing is a marathon. One of the nurses told me your birth story is never what you expect so remember to be open and flexible.

We've been to church, to the park, friends have visited and there's been a ton of pictures taken. I feel super blessed to have her and that she's under my care.

I've noted that I'm extra juicy in this stage of my life aka thick!! Some, most like it. Am I a fan?? I could keep some and lose most of it, I'm still not feeling like myself these days. It can be tough to look at oneself in the mirror. With patience I'm hoping that once I return back to work, with time and the additional movement for 8hrs of the day, standing upright and lifting things I should get back to a reasonable weight. Currently 160lbs and would like to get back to 130. I maintained 126lbs for a hot min and idk if I'll ever see those days again.

For now it's about:

  • time management in my administrative affairs

  • establishing a routine for professional & personal care

  • drinking water & eating every 4 hours

  • committing to reading multiple books this year

  • keeping in touch with my support system

  • taking time to rest "a power hour"

  • pour into myself spiritually = spend time with God

  • take time to explore food/new recipes

  • once cleared start working out

  • begin to write and make music

  • smile

My goal for this website is to be a hub for All Things Tiffany Jaye. So whether you're an avid reader, listener you can consume music, buy art, read my blog or listen to my podcast. The entire site is meant to edify your soul. The bullet points listed above are really meant to center around this main goal. So you may find me online... but it brings you here where you can go down many rabbit holes. This all takes time and I must remind myself that "Rome wasn't built in a day" or "you eat an elephant one bite at a time". - podcast | music | art | news | credentials (cool stuff I've done)

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