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Writer's picture: Tiffany JayeTiffany Jaye

Updated: Apr 21, 2024

No matter where you are, no matter what you've done; everything up to this point has been innovative. 

There's no need in trying to reinvent the wheel hence there's nothing new under the sun. What you can do is get to know yourself so well that you can put your unique spin on things. Being that best version of self doesn't happen over night. I find that sometimes we put so much pressure on ourselves to be perfect when it's through our imperfections and learning, that we become better, reinvented, or upgraded.

It all starts in the mind with how we speak to ourselves and how much compassion we show. I think of it as my duty to present my body as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable unto God. As a woman I'm coming more into my own and learning how to flow gracefully in this world. I told a good friend of mine to continue to speak positively over yourself. The good Lord gave us that power, so don't be counterproductive with negative talk ya know. Have great stewardship over the vessel you've been given.

Enjoy and adore who He created you to be!

She replies back with a gif of a woman clapping hands *preach* because that was a Word right there, "So often, we focus on all of the things we need to change...more focus needs to be on appreciating Him for his perfect design." - Jewel

Learning how to communicate so that you can present yourself to the world the way you see it in your mind is one of the hardest things. You come across different walks of life, different dialects within the same language, lifestyle barriers, so many things that separate us. Something I'm discovering about effective communication is that all parties involved have to want to work through it. Listen, restate to show clear understanding, then respond and repeat. It's a task but when you practice this on the daily it has a rocky start and eventually smooths out the more you try it.

I'm figuring out my own unique way to communicate and express. Knowing that it's mine and I can fine tune it as needed. But reiterating that it's my unique way and as long as I'm open to room for growth who I am and how I am, there's nothing wrong with it.

In addition to my artistry, I'm in the custom framing business. I tell my clients that with their project we can do whatever we want because we're customizing it. There are rules of the trade to follow which help guide you to create something that is aesthetically pleasing. Whereas without them and unknowing not following them the untrained individual will not be able to articulate why something is wrong, they'll just know that the final product isn't up to par, or what they thought it would be.

I take framing and apply it to my life and who I am as an individual. I study myself past and present and create certain rules and things to follow considering a pattern of outcomes I prefer over others. I remind myself that I have all the basic tools to create a masterpiece each day regardless of my environment. It's up to me to use my mind to step outside the box to bring it to life.

What I love about life, as in video games for example, time gives you the reward of experience points you wouldn't have otherwise.

Time is a dimension that some of us take for granted and may not use as wisely as we think. I'm personally on a quest to figure out how to use my 24hrs as if they were 48. Thus propelling myself at an exponential rate in less time. How this works for you or me will be different but for sure THAT's the reinvention of a wheel we need to birth within ourselves.


Who Am I? Tiffany Jaye - Singer / Songwriter / Dancer / Artist

Follow me on Social Media @mstiffanyjaye

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